计算机科学与技术,教授,东华合胜联合实验室负责人。中国计算机学会分布式与并行计算专委会委员,中国人工智能与人工心理委员会委员,中国图形图像学会会员。主持完成上海市科技攻关项目《基于人工智能的医学影像报告文本结构化及影像关联》等智慧医疗相关省部级项目四项,企业委托项目《在线智能仓储》等多项;作为主要研究人员参与国家自然科学基金项目《网络知识互联结构自主发育模型研究》等和上海市科技攻关项目多项。在Psychological Review,Expert Syst. Appl.等人工智能领域主要SCI期刊和CCF推荐会议上发表论文多篇。拥有已授权发明专利2项,软件著作权多项。合著《Linux系统和大数据应用》。
1、数据工程 机器学习
2、人工智能 决策心理建模
讲授课程:操作系统原理、商务智能、Business Intelligence、专业英语、大数据实践
1、“基于海量数据的可信身份认证与数字签名的技术研发”,上海市浦东新区科经委产学研人工智能专项 2020.8.1-2022.7.31
2、“基于人工智能的医学影像报告文本结构化及影像关联”,上海市科委 2018.7-2020.6
3、“协同创新商务智能系统开发” 上海市教委 2015.6-2017.6
4、“基于CRM的一体化营销平台” 企业委托 2014.6-2015.5
5、“云安全服务系统研发及产业化” 上海市经信委 2012.1-2013.10
6、“支撑海量数据的分布式安全数据库管理系统” 上海市经信委 2012.1-2014.6
7、“在线智能仓储系统” 企业委托 2011.6-2012.6
8、“网络知识互联结构自主发育模型研究” 国家自然科学基金面上项目2009.1-2011.12
9、“Affective fashion style decision making” with Prof. Jerry Busemeyer from Indiana University Bloomington 2008.9-2009.9
1、Jiyun Li, Song B, Qian C. Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease by Feature Weighted-LSTM: A Preliminary Study of Temporal Features in Brain Resting-State fMRI Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2022, 21(2): 56.(SCI)
2、Jiyun Li, Gao Y, Qian C. C-GZS: Controllable Person Image Synthesis Based on Group-Supervised Zero-shot Learning[C]//The 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM). 2022.
3、Jiyun Li, Hai Y, Qian C. Alzheimer's Disease Detection through Spontaneous Speech Using Attention Augmented Convolutional Neural Network[C]//The 12th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE). WCSE, 2022: 285-290.
4、Jiyun Li, Xu D, Qian C. Preventing Multistage Discriminative Event-based Model From Catastrophic Forgetting: A HAT Trick[C]//The 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (ICFEICT). ELSP, 2022.
5、Jiyun Li, Wen G, Qian C. Multi-modal Brain Network Fusion Based on Random Walk-Grassmann Model[C]//2022 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, Image and Deep Learning & International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CVIDL & ICCEA). IEEE, 2022: 129-134.
6、Jiyun Li, Huang Peng, Task-Oriented Feature Representation for Spontaneous Speech of AD Patients, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2021: 13064 LNBI--46-57
7、Jiyun Li, Lu W, Qian C. A Multiple stage Discriminative Event Based Model for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Timeline Estimation[C]//2020 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT). IEEE, 2020: 339-344.
8、Hafiz Muhammd Ali Bhatti, Jiyun Li*, Shahbaz Siddeeq, Abdul Rehman, Arslan Manzoo ,“Multi-detection and Segmentation of Breast Lesions Based on Mask RCNN-FPN”, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM),2698-2704
9、Jiyun Li Y, Wang X M, Qian Chen, Semantic Label Prediction of Mammography Based on CC and MLO Views, 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications, ICCC 2020, 1461-1465
10、王亦凡,李继云,基于异构图嵌入学习的相似病案推荐,计算机系统应用,2020, 29(10):228-234
11、Jiyun Li Y, Li K H, Study on Medical Imaging Reports Tagging Extraction Based on Bi-LSTM + CRF, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 10.1145/3386164.3389082
12、Jiyun Li, Hong Y L, Label generation system based on generative adversarial network for medical image, 10.1145/3357254.3357256,2019:78-82
13、Jiyun Li, Cognitive characteristics based autonomous development of clothing style Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019: Volume:849 Pages:87-92
14、Qian C, Di J, Jiyun Li. Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease using Speech Acoustics Only: A Two-Stage Deep Metric Learning Approach[C]//2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). IEEE, 2022.
15、Li Sun, Shan Sun, Tianlei Wang, Jiyun Li*, Jingsheng Lin”Parallel ADR Detection Based on Spark and BCPNN”, Tsinghua Science and Technology 2019, Vol. 24 (2): 195-206 (SCI、EI)
16、Jiyun Li,Caiqi Sun, Juntao Lv, “TCMF:Trust-based Context-aware Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Filtering” ICTAI 2014:815-821 (EI)
17、Jiyun Li, Pengcheng Feng, Juntao Lv, ICAMF: Improved context-aware matrix factorization for collaborative filtering. ICTAI 2013:1113-1118 (EI)
18、Jiyun Li, Pengcheng Feng, Juntao Lv, An Improved Slope One Algorithm for Collabrative Filtering. 9th international conference on Natural computation. ICNC 2013:1113-1118 (EI)
19、Jiyun Li, Xin Li. “Selecting Materialized Views Based on Top-k Query Algorithm for Lineage Tracing”, Third Global Congress on Intelligent Systems, 46-49(2012)(EI)
20、Jiyun Li, Yilei Li. “Cognitive model based fashion style decision making”. Expert Syst. Appl. 39(5): 4972-4977 (2012). (SCI、EI).
21、Jared M Hotaling, Jerome R. Busemeyer and Jiyun Li. “Theoretical Developments in Decision Field Theory: Comment on Tsetsos, Usher, and Chater”, Psychological Review, Vol.117, No.4, 1294-1298.(2010)(SCI)
22、Jiyun Li, Jiaxun Chen. “A mannequin modeling method based on section templates and silhouette control”. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 21(5): 300 – 310(2009). (SCI、EI).
23、Jiyun Li, Xiaodong Zhong and Yilei Li. “A Psychological Decision Making Model Based Personal Fashion Style Recommendation System”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 102, 57-64(2011).(EI)
24、Jiyun Li, Jerome R Busemeyer. “Combine the Objective Features with the Subjective Feelings in Personal Multi-alternative Decision Making Modeling”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5819/2009: 194-202 (2009). (EI)
1、基于人体部件模板和体形轮廓的三维虚拟人体自动生成方法,2013年01月被授权,中国,ZL 2007 1 0037585.4
2、一种E-DRM通用适配器系统,中国,ZL 2012 1 0091012.0
联系电话:8621-67792293 E-MAIL:jyli@dhu.edu.cn
Introduction to Dr. Jiyun Li (Master’s Supervisor): Dr. Li, is a professor in School of computer science and technology at Donghua University,visiting scholar in Indiana University, Bloomington. Her research interests focus on data engineering and application of artificial intelligence in computer aided early detection of Alzheimer’s disease and psychological factors inspired decision making models in fashion design. She has published over 60 papers in Expert System with Applications, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Psychology Review, etc., and has been authorized 2 national invention patents.
Research interests:
Data engineering and machine intelligence
Artificial intelligence and decision psychology modelling
Design and implementation of AI model based platform and application
Courses taught:
Operating system principles, business intelligence, computer English and bigdata practice
1、Jiyun Li, Song B, Qian C. Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease by Feature Weighted-LSTM: A Preliminary Study of Temporal Features in Brain Resting-State fMRI Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2022, 21(2): 56.(SCI)
2、Jiyun Li, Gao Y, Qian C. C-GZS: Controllable Person Image Synthesis Based on Group-Supervised Zero-shot Learning[C]//The 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM). 2022.
3、Jiyun Li, Hai Y, Qian C. Alzheimer's Disease Detection through Spontaneous Speech Using Attention Augmented Convolutional Neural Network[C]//The 12th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE). WCSE, 2022: 285-290.
4、Jiyun Li, Xu D, Qian C. Preventing Multistage Discriminative Event-based Model From Catastrophic Forgetting: A HAT Trick[C]//The 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (ICFEICT). ELSP, 2022.
5、Jiyun Li, Wen G, Qian C. Multi-modal Brain Network Fusion Based on Random Walk-Grassmann Model[C]//2022 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, Image and Deep Learning & International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CVIDL & ICCEA). IEEE, 2022: 129-134.
6、Jiyun Li, Huang Peng, Task-Oriented Feature Representation for Spontaneous Speech of AD Patients, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2021: 13064 LNBI--46-57
7、Jiyun Li, Lu W, Qian C. A Multiple stage Discriminative Event Based Model for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Timeline Estimation[C]//2020 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT). IEEE, 2020: 339-344.
8、Hafiz Muhammd Ali Bhatti, Jiyun Li*, Shahbaz Siddeeq, Abdul Rehman, Arslan Manzoo ,“Multi-detection and Segmentation of Breast Lesions Based on Mask RCNN-FPN”, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM),2698-2704
9、Jiyun Li, Wang X M, Qian Chen, Semantic Label Prediction of Mammography Based on CC and MLO Views, 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications, ICCC 2020, 1461-1465
10、王亦凡,李继云,基于异构图嵌入学习的相似病案推荐,计算机系统应用,2020, 29(10):228-234
11、Jiyun Li Y, Li K H, Study on Medical Imaging Reports Tagging Extraction Based on Bi-LSTM + CRF, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 10.1145/3386164.3389082
12、Jiyun Li, Hong Y L, Label generation system based on generative adversarial network for medical image, 10.1145/3357254.3357256,2019:78-82
13、Jiyun Li, Cognitive characteristics based autonomous development of clothing style Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019: Volume:849 Pages:87-92
14、Qian C, Di J, Jiyun Li. Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease using Speech Acoustics Only: A Two-Stage Deep Metric Learning Approach[C]//2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). IEEE, 2022.
15、Li Sun, Shan Sun, Tianlei Wang, Jiyun Li*, Jingsheng Lin”Parallel ADR Detection Based on Spark and BCPNN”, Tsinghua Science and Technology 2019, Vol. 24 (2): 195-206 (SCI、EI)
16、Jiyun Li,Caiqi Sun, Juntao Lv, “TCMF:Trust-based Context-aware Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Filtering” ICTAI 2014:815-821 (EI)
17、Jiyun Li, Pengcheng Feng, Juntao Lv, ICAMF: Improved context-aware matrix factorization for collaborative filtering. ICTAI 2013:1113-1118 (EI)
18、Jiyun Li, Pengcheng Feng, Juntao Lv, An Improved Slope One Algorithm for Collabrative Filtering. 9th international conference on Natural computation. ICNC 2013:1113-1118 (EI)
19、Jiyun Li, Xin Li. “Selecting Materialized Views Based on Top-k Query Algorithm for Lineage Tracing”, Third Global Congress on Intelligent Systems, 46-49(2012)(EI)
20、Jiyun Li, Yilei Li. “Cognitive model based fashion style decision making”. Expert Syst. Appl. 39(5): 4972-4977 (2012). (SCI、EI).
21、Jared M Hotaling, Jerome R. Busemeyer and Jiyun Li. “Theoretical Developments in Decision Field Theory: Comment on Tsetsos, Usher, and Chater”, Psychological Review, Vol.117, No.4, 1294-1298.(2010)(SCI)
22、Jiyun Li, Jiaxun Chen. “A mannequin modeling method based on section templates and silhouette control”. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 21(5): 300 – 310(2009). (SCI、EI).
23、Jiyun Li, Xiaodong Zhong and Yilei Li. “A Psychological Decision Making Model Based Personal Fashion Style Recommendation System”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 102, 57-64(2011).(EI)
24、Jiyun Li, Jerome R Busemeyer. “Combine the Objective Features with the Subjective Feelings in Personal Multi-alternative Decision Making Modeling”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5819/2009: 194-202 (2009). (EI)
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