罗 辛  (副教授)

罗 辛




  • 人工智能

  • 模式识别

  • 计算机视觉

  • 知识图谱


  • 本科生:汇编语言程序设计

  • 本科生:操作系统原理(上海市重点课程)

  • 研究生:纺织服装图像识别


  • 制造企业数据空间设计理论与方法,国家重点研发计划,2020-2023(子课题负责人)

  • 人工智能在IT运维中的关键技术研究,2022-2023(横向,参与)

  • 服装服饰产业数字化赋能升级,2022-2023(横向,课题负责人)

  • 基于区块链技术的交易服务平台开发,202222-2023(横向,参与)

  • 蓝美供应链商务平台开发与优化,2021-2022(横向,参与)

  • 视频动作识别与智能分析系统开发,2020-2022(横向,参与)

  • 服装服饰电子商务发展,2019-2020(横向,课题负责人)

  • 智慧教育在线教学平台设计与开发,2019-2020(横向,参与)


  • Defect detection algorithm for fabric based on deformable convolutional network, 2022-12. (SCI,EI)

  • An Asymmetric Parallel Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Pen-Holding Gesture Recognition, 2022-10. (EI)

  • YOLOv4-MobileNetV2-DW-LCARM: A Real-Time Ship Detection Network, 2022-07. (EI)

  • Research on Blockchain-based Crowdsourcing Mechanism for Knowledge System, 2022-04. (EI)

  • Expert Knowledge-Based Apparel Recommendation Question and Answer System, 2022-02. (EI)

  • Human Fall Detection Algorithm Based on Mixed Attention Mechanism, 2021-07. (EI)

  • Surface Defect Detection of Aluminum Material Based on HRNet Feature Extraction, 2021-07. (EI)

  • Fabric Image Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on InceptionV3 Transfer Learning, 2021-05. (EI)

  • Fabric defect detection algorithm based on YOLOv3 Transfer learning, 2021-05. (EI)

  • Verification algorithm for the duplicate verification data with multiple verifiers and multiple verification challenges, 2021-02. (SCI, EI)

  • 基于多级网络编码的多副本云数据存储, 2021-01. (SCI, EI)

  • Reverse Image Search for the Fashion Industry Using Convolutional Neural Networks, 2020-10. (EI)

  • Image generation method based on improved condition GAN, 2019-11. (EI)

  • Music Recommendation Based on Feature Similarity, 2019-04. (EI)

  • An object detection system based on YOLOv2 in fashion apparel, 2018-12. (EI)

  • Similarity analysis and repeating pattern detection in fingerprint features, 2018-08. (EI)

  • Design and Implementation of an E-commerce Platform for Textile Destocking Problem, 2018-06. (EI)

  • Extracting product features from online Chinese reviews, 2018-04. (EI)

  • Mathematical model for crane scheduling in mixed yard, 2018-02. (EI)

  • 一种服装自动制版方法及其系统, CN201810558725.0, 2021-07. (专利)


  • 办公室: 1号学院楼351

  • 电话: 021-67792166

  • 电子邮箱: xluo@dhu.edu.cn

Xin Luo (Associate Professor)

Xin Luo received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in engineering from Tokushima University, Japan, in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China. His major research activities are in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision and Knowledge Graph. Dr. Luo is also a member of CAAI and CCF.


  • Office: Room 351, No. 1 College Building

  • Tel: 021-67792166

  • E-mail: xluo@dhu.edu.cn
