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近几年担任的科研项目: 2009.7――2011.8 纺织功能面料网络平台、数据库开发建设 09HJH000102 上海市科委项目
2011.11-2013.10 新疆棉纺织产业公共服务平台开发及应用 纵向
2013.1-2015.12 基于云计算的智能图书馆实践与探索 中央高校 近几年发表的论著: 国内外重要刊物上发表论文16篇。 1、A privacy-preserving book recommendation model based on multi-agent. The 2009 second international workshop on computer science and engineering,Qingdao,China: VolumeⅡ 2009.10: 323-327. EI收录 2、A self-adaptation data publishing algorithm framework. 2011 International conferece on Metronic Science, Elecric Engineering and Computer, Jilin 2011.8: 263-267. EI收录 3、Clustering-based Safety Grouping Strategy for Bipartite Graph Data Publishing, Information,2012 SCI收录 4、Research the Project of Federal Library’s Collection Analysis System Based on Anonymous Data Publishing 2012 EI 收录 办公室电话:021-67792224 电子邮箱地址:lycluo@dhu.edu.cn