[8]国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:61602109),多云环境下复杂服务应用的优化分配关键技术研究,2017.1-2019.12, 第一参与人
[1]Zhaohui Zhang*, Yifei Tang,Peng Zhang, et al. An Adaptive Drilling Sampling Method and Evaluation Model for Large-Scale Streaming Data, the 24th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2023), Melbourne, Australia, October 25–27, 2023,pp.813-825
[2]Peng Zhang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Chaochao Hu, Pengwei Wang. A Dynamic Drilling Sampling Method and Evaluation Model for Large-Scale Streaming Data. The 35th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(SEKE2023), July 1 to 10, 2023, Larkspur Landing South San Francisco Hotel, USA and KSIR Virtual Conference Center, USA, pp. 435-442
[3]Zhaohui Zhang, Ziming Wei and Lina Ma. UBRMTC: User Behavior Recognition Model With Transaction Character, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2023,1-13, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2023.3257227
[4]Zhaohui Zhang, Jiawei Hu,Lina Ma, et al. BVFB: Training Behavior Verification Mechanism for Secure Blockchain-Based Federated Learning, Computing and Informatics, 2022,Vol.41(6): 1401-1424
[5]刘霄, 章昭辉*, 魏子明等. 个体交互行为的平滑干预模型, 软件学报,2021,32(6):1733-1747(Xiao Liu, Zhaohui Zhang, Ziming Wei et al. Smooth Intervention Model of Individual Interactive Behavior. International Journal of Software and Informatics, 2021,11(4):453-472)
[6]Lizhi Wang,ZhaoHui Zhang*, et al. A Deep-forest based approach for detecting fraudulent online transaction, Advances in Computers:AI and Cloud Conputing,2021,vol. 120:1-38
[7]HUANG Mian, WANG Li-Zhi, ZHANG Zhao-Hui*. Improved deep forest model for detection of fraudulent online transaction. Computing and Informatics, 2020, 39(5):1082-1098.
[8]Zhaohui Zhang,Ligong Chen,Qiuwen Liu,et al. A Fraud Detection Method for Low-Frequency Transaction,IEEE Access,8(1): 25210-25220,2020
[9]Zhaohui Zhang,Lijun Yang,Ligong Chen,et al. A Generative Adversarial Network–Based Method for Generating Negative Financial Samples,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,16(2):1-12,2020, DOI: 10.1177/1550147720907053
[10]Zhaohui Zhang,Qiuwen Liu,Ligong Chen,et al. A Peak Prediction Method for Subflow in Hybrid Data Flow,Scientific Programming,vol.2020:1-13,2020
[11]Ligong Chen,Zhaohui Zhang*,Qiuwen Liu,et al. A Method for Online Transaction Fraud Detection Based on Individual Behavior, Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference - China (ACM TURC '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2019, Article 119, 8 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3321408.3326647
[12]Ying Meng, Zhaohui Zhang*, Wenqiang Liu, et al. 2019. A novel method based on entity relationship for online transaction fraud detection. In Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference - China (ACM TURC '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2019, Article 121, 10 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3321408.3326649
[13]Xinxin Zhou, ZhaoHui Zhang*, et al. A Model Based on Siamese Neural Network for Online Transaction Fraud Detection, The 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, Hungary,2019
[14]ZhaoHui Zhang, Lina Ge, et al. Behavior Reconstruction Models for Large-scale Network Service Systems. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2019(12):502-513, DOI: 10.1007/s12083-017-0625-x
[15]Zhaohui Zhang, Jian Chen, Ligong Chen et al. A Scalable Method of Maintaining Order Statistics for Big Data Stream. Computers, Materials & Continua, 2019,60(1): 117-132
[16]ZhaoHui Zhang, Xinxin Zhou, et al. A Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network for Online Transaction Fraud Detection. Security and Communication Networks, 2018:1-9 DOI: 10.1155/2018/5680264
[17]Haijian Wang, Zhaohui Zhang *, Pengwei Wang. A Situation Analysis Method for Specific Domain Based on Multi-source Data Fusion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2018,10954: 160-171
[18]Xiaobo Zhang, Zhaohui Zhang *, Lizhi Wang, Xinxin Zhou, Pengwei Wang. A Novel Method to Improve Hit Rate for Big Data Quick Reading. 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering (ICCSIE 2018), Xi'an, China, 21-22,Oct 2018, pp.105-113
[19]章昭辉,崔君.大规模网络服务系统行为异常敏捷感知方法. 计算机学报,2017,40(2):503-519 (EI: 20172103692979) (Zhang Zhao-hui,Cui Jun. An Agile Perception Method for Behavior Abnormality in Large-scale Network Service Systems. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2017,40(2):503-519 (in Chinese))
[1]章昭辉;蒋昌俊;王鹏伟;陈剑. 一种多目标优化的容器调度方法,专利号:ZL 201910327503.2,2023.08.04
[2]章昭辉;蒋昌俊;王鹏伟;杨丽俊. 一种带噪声学习的负样本对抗生成方法, 专利号:ZL 202010045213.1,2023.7.11
[3]章昭辉;蒋昌俊;王鹏伟;周欣欣. 一种基于孪生神经网络的网络交易欺诈检测系统, 专利号:ZL 201910327627.0, 2023.6.23
[4]章昭辉;蒋昌俊;王鹏伟;杨丽俊. 一种基于生成对抗网络的金融交易数据的欺诈检测方法. 专利号:ZL 201910525239.3, 2023.6.23
[5]章昭辉;蒋昌俊;王鹏伟;汪立智. 一种基于表征学习的交易欺诈行为深度检测方法, 专利号:ZL 201910327470.1, 2023.6.2
[6]章昭辉等.具有周期属性的多因素交互行为异常检测方法,专利号:ZL 202110228567.4,2022.11
[7]章昭辉等.低频交易的个体行为建模与欺诈检测方法,专利号:ZL 202010045152.9,2022.11
[8]章昭辉等.具有交易性格的用户行为识别方法,专利号:ZL 202110228431.3,2022.10
[9]章昭辉;蒋昌俊;王鹏伟;张晓波. 一种非关系型数据库动态混合索引方法, 专利号:ZL 201910327502.8, 2022.08.26
[10]章昭辉等.基于谨慎度的用户身份识别方法,专利号:ZL 202110228566.X,2022.7
[12]章昭辉,徐付娟,刘科,杨如萍. 钻井式数据采样方法及其在大数据价值风险评估中的应用. 专利号:ZL 202110813235.2, 2022.05.20
[13]章昭辉等.一种基于异质关系网络注意力机制的交易欺诈检测方法,专利号:ZL 202010045141.0,2022.5
[14]章昭辉、蒋昌俊、王鹏伟、刘秋文. 一种混杂数据流分流量峰值预测方法, 专利号:ZL201910525350.2, 2021.11
[15]章昭辉,蒋昌俊,王鹏伟,王海建. 一种内外数据融合的态势分析系统,专利号:ZL201711200078.8, 2021.7
[16]蒋昌俊,章昭辉,王鹏伟,张晓波.一种大数据快速读取的DLK 方法,专利号:ZL 201811054777.0,2021.10
[17]章昭辉,葛丽娜. 一种大规模网络服务系统行为重构方法. 中国,专利号:ZL 201710149872.8,2020.4
[18]章昭辉,崔君. 一种大规模网络服务系统行为异常检测方法. 中国,专利号:ZL201610290206.1,2019.10
[19]章昭辉,崔君.一种大规模网络服务系统异常预警方法. 中国,专利号:ZL201610288807.9,2019.5.3
[20]章昭辉,郑禄涛.一种确定演化域的最小生成工作流网方法.中国,专利号: ZL201410567556.9,2017
[21]章昭辉,张建飞.一种多级元数据按需小费用传输方法及系统. 中国,专利号:ZL201410642052.9,2018
[22]章昭辉,郑禄涛. 面向动态消息结构的交互式在线演化方法.中国,专利号: ZL201510164649.1,2018
[1]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Data Resource Distribution Map and In-situ Virtual Data Center,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0001,2020-09-01
[2]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Dynamic Scheduling Framework and Workflow for Online Tasks in Information Service Platform of Large Scale Network,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0003,2020-09-01
[3]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Distributed Processing Structure and Workflow of Massive Real-time Data in Information Service Platform of Large Scale Network,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0002,2020-09-01
[4]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Cabin Generation and Management System,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0005,2020-09-01
[5]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Framework and Workflow of Cabin Computing System,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0006,2020-09-01
[6]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Credible System Platform Indicators,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0004,2020-09-01
[1]国家科学技术进步奖二等奖:网络交易支付系统风险防控关键技术及应用, 2016
[2] 上海市科学技术发明一等奖:网络大数据计算分析与安全可信关键技术及应用,2020
[3]上海市科学技术进步奖一等奖:互联网支付体系风险防控的行为分析技术及应用, 2015
[4]教育部科学技术进步奖一等奖:信息网格技术及其在交通信息服务中的应用研究, 2007
通讯地址:上海市松江区人民北路2999号 1号学院楼225室
Dr. Zhaohui Zhang is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Donghua University. He is a senior member of the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence, a member of the Special Committee of Network Information Service of the Chinese Society of Automation, and a director of the Shanghai Society of Artificial Intelligence. His research interests include network computing, big data, and artificial intelligence. He has presided over more than ten projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education and provincial key projects. As a key member, he has participated in many projects, such as the National Key R&D Project, the National 863 Major Project, the CNGI Major Project of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Science and Technology Support Program Project, the International Cooperation Key Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Integrated Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Research Program, and the Shanghai Major Science and Technology Research Project. He has won one second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, one first prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Invention Award of China Artificial Intelligence Society, one first prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, one first prize of Shanghai Technology Invention Award, and one first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education. He has been granted more than 40 invention patents, formulated 19 industry standards, and registered 6 software Copyrights. He has published more than 80 academic papers and one book supported by the Publication Fund of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Main research areas:
The theories of big data trusted computing and artificial intelligence, as well as the application research of Internet transaction risk prevention and control technology and systems.
Courses Taught:
Algorithm Design and Analysis (Undergraduate), System Analysis and Modeling (Master's), Artificial Intelligence (Doctoral)
Research Projects (Recent 5 years) :
[1]Project of Shanghai "Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan" in the high-tech Field, No. 22511100702: Research on the full life cycle privacy and security computing technology of digital chain fusion, 2022.9-2024.8, PI
[2]National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61472004) : Behavior adaptation model and method for large-scale network service system based on stochastic Petri nets, 2015.1-2018.12, PI
[3]General Project of Shanghai Natural Science Foundation (No. : 19ZR1401900) : Progressive intelligent detection model and method of online transaction fraud risk, 2019.7.1-2022.6.30, PI
[4]Key Project of Shanghai "Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan" (No. : 19511101302) : Multi-source and multi-dimensional big data Computing security technology and risk control application Demonstration, 2019.09-2021.08, PI
[5]An insurance company project (horizontal) : Research on intelligent credit anti-fraud technology, 2018.10-2019.4, PI
[6]National Key Research and Development Program (No. : 2018YFB2100800) : Research on basic theory and key technologies of group situation identification and service computing for smart cities, 2019.7-2022.6, Project backbone
[7]Data exploration and platform support technology of Shanghai "Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan" (No. : 16511100903) : Risk Control Cloud ", 2016.7-2018.6, the first participant
[8]National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61602109), Research on key technologies of optimal allocation of complex service applications in multi-cloud environment, 2017.1-2019.12, first participant
Papers (Recent 5 years) :
[1]Zhaohui Zhang*, Yifei Tang,Peng Zhang, et al. An Adaptive Drilling Sampling Method and Evaluation Model for Large-Scale Streaming Data, the 24th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2023), Melbourne, Australia, October 25–27, 2023,pp.813-825
[2]Peng Zhang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Chaochao Hu, Pengwei Wang. A Dynamic Drilling Sampling Method and Evaluation Model for Large-Scale Streaming Data. The 35th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(SEKE2023), July 1 to 10, 2023, Larkspur Landing South San Francisco Hotel, USA and KSIR Virtual Conference Center, USA, pp 435-442
[3]Zhaohui Zhang, Ziming Wei and Lina Ma. UBRMTC: User Behavior Recognition Model With Transaction Character, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2023,1-13, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2023.3257227
[4]Zhaohui Zhang, Jiawei Hu,Lina Ma, et al. BVFB: Training Behavior Verification Mechanism for Secure Blockchain-Based Federated Learning, Computing and Informatics, 2022,Vol.41(6): 1401-1424
[5]Xiao Liu,Zhaohui Zhang*,Ziming Wei, et al. Smooth Intervention Model of Individual Interactive Behavior, Journal of Software,2021,32(6):1733-1747
[6]Lizhi Wang,ZhaoHui Zhang*, et al. A Deep-forest based approach for detecting fraudulent online transaction, Advances in Computers:AI and Cloud Conputing,2021,vol120:1-38
[7]HUANG Mian, WANG Li-Zhi, ZHANG Zhao-Hui*. Improved deep forest model for detection of fraudulent online transaction. Computing and Informatics, 2020, 39(5):1082-1098.
[8]Zhaohui Zhang,Ligong Chen,Qiuwen Liu,et al. A Fraud Detection Method for Low-Frequency Transaction,IEEE Access,8(1): 25210-25220,2020
[9]Zhaohui Zhang,Lijun Yang,Ligong Chen,et al. A Generative Adversarial Network–Based Method for Generating Negative Financial Samples,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,16(2):1-12,2020, DOI: 10.1177/1550147720907053
[10]Zhaohui Zhang,Qiuwen Liu,Ligong Chen,et al. A Peak Prediction Method for Subflow in Hybrid Data Flow,Scientific Programming,vol.2020:1-13,2020
[11]Ligong Chen,Zhaohui Zhang*,Qiuwen Liu,et al. A Method for Online Transaction Fraud Detection Based on Individual Behavior, Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference - China (ACM TURC '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2019, Article 119, 8 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3321408.3326647
[12]Ying Meng, Zhaohui Zhang*, Wenqiang Liu, et al. 2019. A novel method based on entity relationship for online transaction fraud detection. In Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference - China (ACM TURC '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2019, Article 121, 10 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3321408.3326649
[13]Xinxin Zhou, ZhaoHui Zhang*, et al. A Model Based on Siamese Neural Network for Online Transaction Fraud Detection, The 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, Hungary,2019
[14]ZhaoHui Zhang, Lina Ge, et al. Behavior Reconstruction Models for Large-scale Network Service Systems. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2019(12):502-513, DOI: 10.1007/s12083-017-0625-x
[15]Zhaohui Zhang, Jian Chen, Ligong Chen et al. A Scalable Method of Maintaining Order Statistics for Big Data Stream. Computers, Materials & Continua, 2019,60(1): 117-132
[16]ZhaoHui Zhang, Xinxin Zhou, et al. A Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network for Online Transaction Fraud Detection. Security and Communication Networks, 2018:1-9 DOI: 10.1155/2018/5680264 Haijian Wang, Zhaohui Zhang *, Pengwei Wang. A Situation Analysis Method for Specific Domain Based on Multi-source Data Fusion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2018,10954: 160-171
[17]Xiaobo Zhang, Zhaohui Zhang *, Lizhi Wang, Xinxin Zhou, Pengwei Wang. A Novel Method to Improve Hit Rate for Big Data Quick Reading. 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering (ICCSIE 2018), Xi'an, China, 21-22, Oct 2018, pp.105-113
[18]Zhang Zhao-hui,Cui Jun. An Agile Perception Method for Behavior Abnormality in Large-scale Network Service Systems. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2017,40(2):503-519 (in Chinese))
Authorized invention patents (authorized in recent 5 years) :
[1]Zhang ZhaoHui; Jiang Chang-jun; Wang Pengwei; Chen Jian. A Multi-objective Optimization Container Scheduling method, Patent number: ZL 201910327503.2, 2023.08.04
[2]Zhang ZhaoHui; Chang-jun jiang; Wang pengwei; Yang Li-jun. A Negative Sample Adversarial Generation Method with Noise learning, Patent Number: ZL 202010045213.1,2023.7.11
[3]Zhang Zhaohui; Jiang Chang-jun; Wang Pengwei; Xin-xin zhou. A twin of the neural network based network fraud detection system, patent number: ZL 201910327627.0 2023.6.23
[4]ZhangZhaoHui; Jiang Chang-jun; Wang Pengwei; Yang Lijun. A generated against network based financial fraud detection method of transaction data. Patent number: ZL 201910525239.3, 2023.6.23
[5]Zhang Zhaohui; Chang-jun jiang; Wang pengwei; Wang Li-zhi. A Deep Detection Method of transaction Fraud Based on representation Learning, Patent Number: ZL 201910327470.1, 2023.6.2
[6]Zhang Zhaohui et al. With periodic properties of multi-factor interactive behavior anomaly detection methods, patent number: ZL 202110228567.4, 2022.11
[7]Zhang Zhaohui et al. Individual behavior modeling and fraud detection method for low-frequency transactions, Patent number: ZL 202010045152.9, 2022.11
[8]Zhang Zhaohui et al. User behavior with trade character recognition method, patent number: ZL 202110228431.3, 2022.10
[9]Zhang Zhaohui; Jiang Chang-jun; Wang pengwei; Xiaobo. A non-relational database dynamic hybrid index method, patent number: ZL 201910327502.8 2022.08.26
[10]Zhang Zhaohui et al. User identity identification method based on degree of caution, patent number: ZL 202110228566 X, 2022.7
[11]ZhangZhaoHui, etc. A Prediction Method of Hybrid Data Flow Based on dynamic time window, Patent number: 202010045151.4, 2022.6
[12]Zhang Zhaohui, Xu Fujuan, Liu Ke, Yang Ruping. Drilling Data Sampling Method and its application in Big Data Value Risk Assessment. Patent no. : ZL 202110813235.2 2022.05.20
[13]Zhang Zhaohui et al. A Transaction Fraud Detection Method Based on Heterogeneous Relational network Attention mechanism, Patent number: ZL 202010045141.0, 2022.5
[14]Zhang Zhaohui, Jiang Changjun, Wang Pengwei, Liu Qiuwen. A Peak Prediction Method for Hybrid data flow, Patent number: ZL201910525350.2, 2021.11
[15]Zhang Zhaohui, Jiang Changjun, Wang Pengwei, Wang Haijian. A Situation analysis system of internal and external data fusion, Patent number: ZL201711200078.8, 2021.7
[16]Jiang Changjun, Zhang ZhaoHui, Wang Pengwei, Zhang Xiaobo. A method of large data quickly read DLK patent no. : ZL 201811054777.0, 2021.10
[17]Zhang ZhaoHui,Ge Li-na. A Behavior reconfiguration Approach for large-scale Network Service Systems. China, Patent number: ZL 201710149872.8, 2020.4
[18]Zhang Zhaohui, Cui Jun. A behavior anomaly detection method for large-scale network service system. China, the patent number: ZL201610290206.1, 2019.10
[19]Zhang Zhaohui, Cui Jun. An anomaly warning method for large-scale network service system. China, patent number: ZL201610288807.9 2019.5.3
[20]Zhang Zhaohui, Zheng Lutao. A Minimal Spanning workflow Net Method for Determining the evolution Domain. China, Patent number: ZL201410567556.9, 2017
[21]ZhangZhaoHui jian-fei zhang. A method and system for multi-level metadata transmission on demand with low cost. China, Patent number: ZL201410642052.9, 2018
[22]Zhang Zhaohui, Zheng Lutao. An Interactive Online Evolution Approach for Dynamic Message Structures. China, Patent number: ZL201510164649.1, 2018
Standards (recent 5 years):
[1]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Data Resource Distribution Map and In-situ Virtual Data Center,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0001,2020-09-01
[2]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Dynamic Scheduling Framework and Workflow for Online Tasks in Information Service Platform of Large Scale Network,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0003,2020-09-01
[3]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Distributed Processing Structure and Workflow of Massive Real-time Data in Information Service Platform of Large Scale Network,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0002,2020-09-01
[4]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Cabin Generation and Management System,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0005,2020-09-01
[5]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Framework and Workflow of Cabin Computing System,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0006,2020-09-01
[6]Jiang Changjun, Zhang Zhaohui, Ding Zhijun, Yu Jian, Yan Chungang, Zhang Yaying. The Technology Standards of Credible System Platform Indicators,Cloud Computing Strategic Alliance Technical Standards HB/T-2020-0004,2020-09-01
[1] State Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize. Network transaction payment system risk control key technology and application, 2016
[2] Shanghai Science and Technology Invention Award, First Prize. Big data computing and analysis and security trusted key technology and application, 2020
[2] Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Invention Award. China Artificial Intelligence Society, First Prize, Key technologies and applications of intelligent diagnosis and treatment of internet trading risk, 2019
[3] Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, First Prize. Behavior analysis technology and application of risk prevention and control of internet payment system, 2015
[4] Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education, First Prize. Research on information grid technology and its application in traffic information service, 2007
Address: Room 225, College Building, No. 1, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China, Postcode: 201620