计算机软件与理论系教授,博士生导师。现任上海计算机开放系统协会副理事长,上海市计算机学会数据库专委会副主任。牵头主持国家重点研发计划、上海市科委重大基础研究、上海市科委科技创新行动计划、上海市经信委大数据专项、上海市经信委智慧城市建设专项等科研项目,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、科技部核高基研发计划项目、上海市经信委人工智能专项资金等课题研究。研究成果发表于医疗信息与数据挖掘国际高水平学术期刊和国际顶级学术会议,包括TCBB、BMC Bioinformatics和BIBM等。申请发明专利10余项,获得授权5项。讲授了《数据库系统原理》、《数据库应用课程设计》、《软件工程》、《数据库性能调优》、《数据仓库与数据挖掘》等多门计算机专业主干课程,参与多项学校及学院教改项目。
1.国家重点研发计划项目,因果推理增强的肿瘤AI诊疗模型及可解释性研究,2020.1-2022.12 (在研)
3.上海市科技创新行动计划《多中心多病种临床大数据分析处理研究》(批准号:15511106900) 2015.7-2017.7;
1 上海市智慧城市专项《基于瑞金医院的临床大数据平台建设及深度应用》(批准号:XX-XXFZ-01-14-6349) 2015.1-2016.12;
2 上海市信息化发展专项,大数据安全加固,2016/7至2018/7
3 上海市经信委人工智能发展专项,面向专病的智能临床辅助决策产品研发及产业化,2018/1-2019/12
4 上海市科委科技行动计划项目,基于人工智能的医学影像报告文本结构化及影像关联,2018/1至2019/12
5 上海市经信委信息化发展专项,面向异构体系结构的高性能分布式数据处理技术,2018/7-2020/6
1、Dehua Chen, Hongjin Zhao, Jianrong He, Qiao Pan, Weiliang Zhao,An Causal XAI Diagnostic Model for Breast Cancer Based on Mammography Reports. BIBM 2021(CCF-B)
2、Wenqi Li, Dehua Chen, Jiajin Le,Coronary Heart Disease Prediction Based on Combined Reinforcement Multitask Progressive Networks. BIBM 2020(CCF-B)
3、Dehua Chen, Meihuaju Huang, Weimin Li. Knowledge-Powered Deep Breast Tumor Classification with Multiple Medical Reports, IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics. 2019.11 (SCI二区、CCF-B)
4、Dehua Chen, Ying Mao, Jianqiao Zhou. Constructing Medical Image Domain Ontology with Anatomical Knowledge,2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine ,BIBM2019. (CCF-B)
5、Chen Dehua ; Qian Guangjun ; Pan Qiao, Breast Cancer Classification with Electronic Medical Records Using Hierarchical Attention Bidirectional Networks, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine ,BIBM2018. (CCF-B)
6、Yingkang Han, Dehua Chen, Yishu Luo, Yijie Dong,Lymphoma Ultrasound Image Segmentation with Self-Attention Mechanism and Stable Learning. ICANN (1) 2022: 207-218
7、Dehua Chen, Liping Zhang, Wei Zhang, Kun Shao, Weiliang Zhao, Xiaokang Zhou,
Deep Personalized Prediction of MPA-AUC with Attentive Interactions in Kidney Transplantation. SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/IOP/SCI 2021.(CCF-C)
8、Dehua Chen, Amir Jalilifard, Adriano Veloso, Nivio Ziviani,Modeling Pharmacological Effects with Multi-Relation Unsupervised Graph Embedding. IJCNN 2020(CCF-C)
9、Dehua Chen; Yunying Wu; Jiajin Le; Qiao Pan, Context-aware end-to-end relation extracting from clinical texts with attention-based bi-tree-GRU, the 28th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (UCS-ILP 2018), 2018.9.2-2018.9.4, Ferrara, Italy, 21-35.(CCF-C)
10、Chen Dehua ; Qian Guangjun ; Shi Cheng ; Pan Qiao , Breast Cancer Malignancy Prediction Using Incremental Combination of Multiple Recurrent Neural Networks, 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), 2017.11.14-2017.11.18, Guangzhou, China, 43-52. (CCF-C)
11、Chen Dehua; Shi Cheng; Wang Mei; Pan Qiao, Thyroid Nodule Classification Using Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network with Multiple Ultrasound Reports. 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), 2017.11.14-2017.11.18, Guangzhou, China.(CCF-C)
12、陈德华,殷苏娜,乐嘉锦,王梅,潘乔,朱立峰. 一种面向临床领域时序知识图谱的链接预测模型[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2017.12.1, 54(12): 2687-2697.
13、田驰远, 陈德华, 王梅,等. 基于依存句法分析的病理报告结构化处理方法[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2016, 52(12):2669-2680.
1 基于领域本体的乳腺超声报告结构化方法 授权年月2022.11
2 非结构化中文乳腺超声文本的结构化处理方法 授权年月2019.3
3 一种中文病理文本结构化处理方法授权年月2018.2
4 一种Web日志预处理中基于UUID的会话合并方法授权年月2017.9
5 一种识别宽带网络中独立用户账户的方法授权年月2017.6
DeHua Chen
Gender:Male Professor, PhD Director
Bio:I am a professor in the Department of Computer Software and Theory, and a supervisor of doctoral students. He is currently the vice chairman of Shanghai Computer Open Systems Association and the vice director of Database Special Committee of Shanghai Computer Society. He is leading the research projects of National Key R&D Program, Major Basic Research of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Big Data Special Project of Shanghai Economic and Information Commission, Smart City Construction Special Project of Shanghai Economic and Information Commission, and participating in the research projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Nuclear High Foundation R&D Program of Ministry of Science and Technology, and Artificial Intelligence Special Fund of Shanghai Economic and Information Commission. His research results have been published in international high-level academic journals and top international academic conferences on medical information and data mining, including TCBB, BMC Bioinformatics and BIBM. He has applied for more than 10 invention patents and received 5 authorizations. He has taught several main courses in computer science such as "Database System Principles", "Database Application Course Design", "Software Engineering", "Database Performance Tuning", "Data Warehousing and Data Mining", etc. He has participated in many teaching and reform projects in the university and college.
Research Areas:Intelligent medicine, data science, deep learning interpretability, multi-omics analysis (imaging multi-omics, biological multi-omics, etc.)
Main Courses Taught:Database system principle, database performance tuning, data warehouse and data mining, database application course design
1、Dehua Chen, Hongjin Zhao, Jianrong He, Qiao Pan, Weiliang Zhao,An Causal XAI Diagnostic Model for Breast Cancer Based on Mammography Reports. BIBM 2021(CCF-B)
2、Wenqi Li, Dehua Chen, Jiajin Le,Coronary Heart Disease Prediction Based on Combined Reinforcement Multitask Progressive Networks. BIBM 2020(CCF-B)
3、Dehua Chen, Meihuaju Huang, Weimin Li. Knowledge-Powered Deep Breast Tumor Classification with Multiple Medical Reports, IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics. 2019.11 (SCI二区、CCF-B)
4、Dehua Chen, Ying Mao, Jianqiao Zhou. Constructing Medical Image Domain Ontology with Anatomical Knowledge,2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine ,BIBM2019. (CCF-B)
5、Chen Dehua ; Qian Guangjun ; Pan Qiao, Breast Cancer Classification with Electronic Medical Records Using Hierarchical Attention Bidirectional Networks, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine ,BIBM2018. (CCF-B)
6、Yingkang Han, Dehua Chen, Yishu Luo, Yijie Dong,Lymphoma Ultrasound Image Segmentation with Self-Attention Mechanism and Stable Learning. ICANN (1) 2022: 207-218
7、Dehua Chen, Liping Zhang, Wei Zhang, Kun Shao, Weiliang Zhao, Xiaokang Zhou,
Deep Personalized Prediction of MPA-AUC with Attentive Interactions in Kidney Transplantation. SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/IOP/SCI 2021.(CCF-C)
8、Dehua Chen, Amir Jalilifard, Adriano Veloso, Nivio Ziviani,Modeling Pharmacological Effects with Multi-Relation Unsupervised Graph Embedding. IJCNN 2020(CCF-C)
9、Dehua Chen; Yunying Wu; Jiajin Le; Qiao Pan, Context-aware end-to-end relation extracting from clinical texts with attention-based bi-tree-GRU, the 28th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (UCS-ILP 2018), 2018.9.2-2018.9.4, Ferrara, Italy, 21-35.(CCF-C)
10、Chen Dehua ; Qian Guangjun ; Shi Cheng ; Pan Qiao , Breast Cancer Malignancy Prediction Using Incremental Combination of Multiple Recurrent Neural Networks, 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), 2017.11.14-2017.11.18, Guangzhou, China, 43-52. (CCF-C)
11、Chen Dehua; Shi Cheng; Wang Mei; Pan Qiao, Thyroid Nodule Classification Using Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network with Multiple Ultrasound Reports. 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), 2017.11.14-2017.11.18, Guangzhou, China.(CCF-C)
12、Dehua Chen,Suna Yin,Jiajing Le,Mei Wang,Qiao Pan,Lifeng Zhu. A link prediction model for clinical domain time-series knowledge graphs[J].Computer Research and Development , 2017.12.1, 54(12): 2687-2697.
13、Chiyuan Tian, Dehua Chen, Mei Wang, etc. A structured approach to pathology reports based on dependency syntax analysis[J]. Computer Research and Development, 2016, 52(12):2669-2680.
Licensed Patents:
1 Method for structuring breast ultrasound reports based on domain ontology License year 2022.11
2 Structured processing method for unstructured Chinese breast ultrasound text License year 2019.3
3 A structured processing method for Chinese pathology text License year 2018.2
4 A UUID-based session merging method in Web log preprocessing License year month 2017.9
5 A method for identifying separate user accounts in broadband networks License year month 2017.6
Main Research Projects:
List of presided scientific projects.
1. National Key R&D Program Project, Causal Reasoning Enhanced Tumor AI Diagnosis and Treatment Model and Interpretability Research, 2020.1-2022.12 (under research)
2. Shanghai Big Data Special Project, Diabetes Aided Diagnosis and Deep Application Demonstration Based on Big Data of Ruijin Hospital, 2018/7-2020/6
3. Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan, Research on Multi-Center Multi-Path Clinical Big Data Analysis and Processing (Approval No. 15511106900) 2015.7-2017.7.
4. Shanghai Science and Technology Development Fund Project "Research on Data Autonomy Open Application Technology" (Approval No. 16JC1400802) 2016.7-2019.7
List of participating scientific research projects.
1 Shanghai Smart City Special Project, Construction and Deep Application of Clinical Big Data Platform Based on Ruijin Hospital (Approval No. XX-XXFZ-01-14-6349) 2015.1-2016.12.
2 Shanghai Information Development Special Project, Big Data Security Reinforcement, 2016/7 to 2018/7
3 Shanghai Municipal Economic and Information Commission special project for the development of artificial intelligence, R&D and industrialization of intelligent clinical auxiliary decision-making products for specialized diseases, 2018/1-2019/12
4 Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission Science and Technology Action Plan Project, Text structuring and image correlation of medical image reports based on artificial intelligence, 2018/1 to 2019/12
5 Shanghai Municipal Commission of Information Technology Development Special Project, High Performance Distributed Data Processing Technology for Heterogeneous Architecture, 2018/7-2020/6
Address:Room 341, College Building No.1