2018.08-2019.08 State University of New York at Stony Brook,访问学者
合作导师:Xin Wang教授
2013.07-至今 太阳集团tcy8722
1. 上海市自然科学基金项目。2018.6-2021.5,基于太阳能和无线充电技术的混合充电传感器网络自适应充电调度理论及应用研究,主持
2. 中美计算机科学研究中心项目。2016.4-2017.4,无线充电传感器网络路由协议研究,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目。2015.1-2017.12,无线充电传感网数据采集速率分配机制与算法研究,主持
4. 上海市自然科学基金项目。2014.7-2017.6,基于自适应萤火虫算法的时间同步机制与算法研究,主持
5. 中央高校自由探索项目。2014.01-2016.12,物联网跨层设计研究,主持
6. 青年教师科研资助项目。2014.1-2014.12,面向物联网的WSN路由研究,主持
7. 生态纺织教育部重点实验室基地建设项目。2014.1-2014.12,染整企业协同工作平台设计与实现,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目。2017.1-2020.12,面向节点隐私保护的可持续群智感知系统关键技术研究,参与
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目。2014.1-2017.12,高品质音频信号的变换域稀疏压缩与精准重构研究及其在移动终端中的应用,参与
11. 上海市科学技术委员会项目。2011.2-2014.3,社区网络非结构化数据检索关键技术研究,参与
12. 华为技术有限公司项目。2009.12-2013.7,BGP路由协议瓶颈分析与加速,参与
1. W. Guo, C. Yan, Ting Lu. Optimizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks via reinforcement-learning-based routing. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 15(2), 2019. (JCR三区, 影响因子1.614)
2. Ting Lu, S. Chang, W. Li. Fog computing enabling geographic routing for urban area vehicular network. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 11(4): 749-755, 2018. (CCF C, JCR四区, 影响因子2.397)
3. Ting Lu, J. Zhu, S. Chang, L. Zhu. Maximizing multicast lifetime in unreliable wireless ad hoc network. Wireless Networks, 24(4):1175-1185, 2018. (CCF C, JCR二区, 影响影子2.405)
4. Ting Lu, G. Liu and S. Chang. Energy-efficient data sensing and routing in unreliable energy-harvesting wireless. Wireless Networks, 24(2):611-625, 2018. (CCF C, JCR二区, 影响影子2.405)
5. S. Chang, C. Li, H. Zhu, Ting Lu, Q. Li. Revealing privacy vulnerabilities of anonymous rajectories. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(12):12061-12071, 2018. (JCR一区, 影响因子5.339)
6. C. Li, S. Chang, H. Zhu, H. Chen, Ting Lu. Lotus: Evolutionary blind regression over noisy crowdsourced data. in Proceedings of SECON 2018, 2018. (CCF B)
7. Ting Lu, G. Liu, W. Li, S. Chang, W. Guo. Distributed sampling rate allocation for maximizing data quality in rechargeable sensor networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2017, 80:1-9. (CCF C, JCR一区, 影响影子5.273)
8. Ting Lu, S. Chang, W. Guo. Bandwidth-delay-constrained least-cost multimedia broadcasting on heuristic genetic algorithm on overlay networks. in Proceedings of MSN 2016, 2017. (CCF C)
9. Ting Lu, S. Chang, G. Liu. Delay-constrained least-energy-consumption multicast routing based on heuristic genetic algorithm in unreliable wireless networks. in Proceedings of GRMSE, 2016. (EI检索)
10. S. Chang, Ting Lu, H. Song. SmartDog: real-time detection of smartphone theft. in Proceedings of iThings-GreenComCPSCom-Smart Data 2016, 2016. (EI检索, Best Paper Award)
11. S. Chang, X. Liu, Ting Lu, H. Zhu, M. Dong, K. Ota. Where were you yesterday: privacy risk of published anonymous trajectories. in Proceedings of GLOBECOM 2016, 2016. (CCF C)
12. Ting Lu, G. Liu, S. Chang, W. Guo, Q. Huang. Maximum-lifetime least-cost multicasting in MANET based on heuristic genetic algorithm. in Proceedings of ICS 2014, 2015. (EI检索)
13. W. Guo, C. Yan, Y. Gan, Ting Lu. An intelligent routing algorithm in wireless sensor networks based on reinforcement learning. in Proceedings of ICMCE 2014, 2014. (EI检索)
14. Ting Lu, J. Zhu. A genetic algorithm for finding a path subject to two constraints. Applied Soft Computing, 13(2):897-898, 2013. (JCR一区, 影响因子4.873)
15. Ting Lu, J. Zhu. Genetic algorithm for energy-efficient QoS multicast routing. IEEE Communications Letters, 17(1):31-34, 2013. (JCR二区, 影响因子3.457)
16. Ting Lu, J. Zhu. Energy-efficient genetic algorithm for QoS multicast routing. Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(1), 2012. (国外期刊)
17. Ting Lu, J. Zhu. Model of tie-breaking metric and performance evaluation of BGP. in Proceedings of IEEE TENCON, 2010. (EI检索)
18. Ting Lu, Q. Zhang, J. Meng. The waveform distortion of UWB pulse through reflection from a smooth surface. in Proceedings of IEEE ICCSC, 2008. (EI检索, 国际会议)
1. 路由器CPU占用率的检测方法, 发明专利
2. 云存储环境下文本文档的篡改检测方法, 发明专利
3. 一种基于场所信息管理的冲突检测及推荐方法, 发明专利
4. 一种场所信息收集和管理系统, 发明专利
5. 一种基于角度划分和位置语义的轨迹隐私保护算法, 发明专利
办公室电话: 021-67792163
电子邮箱地址: luting@dhu.edu.cn
办公室: 1号学院楼107室