男 副教授 计算机软件与理论系
研究生:《图像处理与图像分析》、《Deep Learning》(英文)
[1]. Hongjian WANG, Ning SHEN, Xiaoxu LEI, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Michael ZAPF, Shoujian YU and Xiaoling XIA. 3D ultrasound computed tomography system calibration using a neural network.Medical Imaging 2022: Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography. vol. 12038. SPIE, 2022.
[2]. Yuling FAN, Hongjian WANG, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP and Juergen HESSER. Model-data-driven image reconstruction with neural networks for ultrasound computed tomography breast imaging.Neurocomputing, vol.467, pp.10-21, 2022 (IF = 5.779, CCF-C类).
[3]. Hongjian WANG, Yudong WU, Shan OUYANG, Xunlei CHEN, Yunfu SHEN and Yi JIN. The Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Quaternary Logic Processor, In Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies: 22nd International Conference, PDCAT 2021, Springer, Cham, 2022.
[4]. Hongjian WANG, Shan OUYANG, Yunfu SHEN and Xunlei CHEN. Ternary Optical Computer: An Overview and Recent Developments,2021 12th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP), pp. 82-87,IEEE, 2021.
[5]. Yuling FAN, Hongjian WANG, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP and JürgenHESSER. DDN: dual domain network architecture for non-linear ultrasound transmission tomography reconstruction,Medical Imaging 2021: Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography. vol. 11602. SPIE, 2021.
[6]. Yuling FAN, Hongjian WANG, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP and JürgenHESSER. Memory-Efficient Neural Network for Non-Linear Ultrasound Computed Tomography Reconstruction,2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 429-432,IEEE, 2021.
[7]. Hongjian WANG, Xueze QIAN, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP, Nicole V. RUITER and JürgenHESSER. Fast Image Reconstruction in Ultrasound Transmission Tomography by U-net,2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC),IEEE, 2020.
[8]. Wenzhao ZHAO, Hongjian WANG, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Koen W. A. VAN DONGEN, Torsten HOPP and JürgenHESSER. Ultrasound transmission tomography image reconstruction with a fully convolutional neural network.Physics in Medicine & Biology, vol.65 (235021), 2020 (IF = 4.174).
[9]. Yuling FAN, Hongjian WANG, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP and JürgenHESSER. MI-net: a deep network for non-linear ultrasound computed tomography reconstruction,2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), IEEE, 2020.
[10]. Hongjian WANG, Thai Hoa HUYNH, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP and JürgenHESSER. GPU acceleration of wave based transmission tomography,2019 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'19), Venice, Italy, April 8-11, 2019.
[11]. Hongjian WANG, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP and JürgenHESSER. Accelerating image reconstruction in ultrasound transmission tomography using L-BFGS algorithm,2019 SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, United States, Feb. 16-21, 2019.
[12]. Hongjian WANG, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP and JürgenHESSER. Multigrid method for solving linearized systems in ultrasound transmission tomography,2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS/MIC 2018),Sydney, Australia, Nov. 10-17, 2018.
[13]. Hongjian WANG, Burak DALKILIC, Hartmut GEMMEKE, Torsten HOPP and JürgenHESSER. Ultrasound image reconstruction using Nesterov's accelerated gradient, 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS/MIC 2018),Sydney, Australia, Nov. 10-17, 2018.
[14]. Hongjian WANG, Abdelkhalek MANSOURIand Jean-Charles CREPUT. Cellular matrix model for parallel combinatorial optimization algorithms in Euclidean plane.Applied Soft Computing, vol.61, pp.642-660, 2017 (IF = 8.263).
[15]. Hongjian WANG, Naiyu ZHANG and Jean-Charles CREPUT. A massively parallel neural network approach to large-scale Euclidean traveling salesman problems. Neurocomputing, vol.240, pp.137-151, 2017 ((IF = 5.779, CCF-C类).
[16]. Hongjian WANG, Naiyu ZHANG, Jean-Charles CREPUT, Yassine RUICHEK and Julien MOREAU. Massively parallel GPU computing for fast stereo correspondence algorithms.Journal of Systems Architecture, vol.65, pp.46-58, 2016 (IF = 5.836, CCF-B类).
[17]. Hongjian WANG, Naiyu ZHANG, Jean-Charles CREPUT, Julien MOREAU and Yassine RUICHEK. Parallel structured mesh generation with disparity maps by GPUimplementation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.21, no.9, pp.1045-1057, 2015 (IF = 5.226, CCF-A类).
[18]. 王宏健,金翊, 欧阳山. 一位可重构三值光学处理器的设计和实现. 《计算机学报》, vol.37, no.7, pp.1500-1507, 2014 (CCF-A类).
[19]. Hongjian WANG and Kai SONG. Simulative method for the optical processor reconfiguration on a dynamically reconfigurable optical platform. Applied Optics, vol.51, no.2, pp.167-175, 2012 (IF = 1.905).
[20]. 金翊, 王宏健, 欧阳山, 周裕, 沈云付, 彭俊杰, 刘学民. 可重构三值光学处理器的原理、基本结构和实现. 《中国科学: 信息科学》,vol.42, no.6, pp.778-788, 2012. Yi JIN, Hongjian WANG, Shan OUYANG, Yu ZHOU, Yunfu SHEN, Junjie PENG and Xuemin LIU. Principles, structures, and implementation of reconfigurable ternary optical processors. Science China Information Sciences,vol.54, no.11, pp.2236-2246, 2011 (IF = 7.275, CCF-B类).
Hongjian WANG
Hongjian WANG received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard, France, in 2016. From 2016 to 2019, he was a postdoctoral researcher with Heidelberg University, Germany. In 2021, he was selected into the “Shanghai Pujiang Program”. He has published more than 30 papers and 6 national patents/PCTs.
Research Areas:
multi-valued processors and their applications in cryptography, ternary computers, ultrasound CT image reconstruction, optimization algorithms, artificial intelligence
Main Courses Taught:
Undergraduate students: Multimedia Technology, Database Application Course Design, Big Data, Data Science Technology and Application
Graduate students: Image Processing and Analysis, Deep Learning (in English)
(see above)
Room 353, Building 1, Songjiang Campus, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai, 201620, China
(+86) 021-67792164