2022年6月获得复旦大学计算机应用技术专业博士学位。同年12月起,在太阳集团tcy8722担任讲师,从事人工智能方面的科研工作。目前已在国际顶级会议期刊发表论文10余篇。参与国家自然科学基金项目和科技部重大科研项目各1项。担任IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing、IEEE-ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing、Neurocomputing、ICASSP、ICME等期刊和会议审稿人。
1. Shuai Yu.“MCSSME: Multi-task Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Singing Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music”, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, Full paper, CCF-A) 2024.
2. Shuai Yu,Jun Liu(指导的硕士生), Yi Yu, Wei Li. “A Scalable Sparse Transformer for Singing Melody Extraction”, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP, CCF-B), 2024.
3. Shuai Yu, Yi Yu, Wei Li, “A Neural Harmonic-aware Network with Gated Attentive Fusion for Singing Melody Extraction”, Neurocomputing (中科院SCI二区Top,IF=6.0), Vol.521, pp. 160-171, 2023.
4. Shuai Yu, Xi Chen, Wei Li, “Hierarchical Graph-based Neural Network for Singing Melody Extraction”, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP, CCF-B), pp. 626-630, 2022.
5. Shuai Yu, Yiwei Ding, Kun Qian, Bin Hu, Wei Li, Björn Schuller, “A Glance-and-gaze Network for Respiratory Sound Classification”, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP, CCF-B), pp. 9007-9011, 2022.
6. Ke Chen, Shuai Yu, Cheng-i Wang, Wei Li, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Shlomo Dubnov, “TONet: Tone-Octave Network for Singing Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music”, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP, CCF-B), pp. 621-625, 2022.
7. Shuai Yu, Yi Yu, Xi Chen and Wei Li, “HANME: Hierarchical Attention Network for Singing Melody Extraction”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SCI 二区, IF=3.109), vol. 28, pp. 1006-1010, 2021.
8. Shuai Yu, Xiaoheng Sun, Yi Yu, Wei Li, “Frequency-temporal Attention Network for Singing Melody Extraction”, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP, CCF-B), pp. 251-255, 2021.
9. Shuai Yu, Chenxing Li, Feng Deng, Xiaorui Wang, “Rethinking Singing Voice Separation with Spectral-Temporal Transformer”, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Associate, (APSIPA ASC, EI), pp. 884-889, 2021.
10. Shuai Yu, Yongbo Wang, Min Yang, Baocheng Li, Jialie Shen, “NAIRS: A Neural Attentive Interpretable Recommendation System”, ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM, CCF-B, Demo Paper), pp. 790-793, 2019.
11. Shuai Yu, Min Yang, Qiang Qu, Ying Shen, “Contextual-Boosted Deep Neural Collaborative Filtering Model for Interpretable Recommendation”, Expert Systems with Applications (中科院SCI 一区Top, IF=8.665), vol.136, pp. 365-375, 2019.
12. Sixuan Chen, Shuai Yu *, “WAIS: Word Attention for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling”, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, CCF-A, Abstract), pp. 9927-9928, 2019.
刘骏 (LIU Jun)2023-
何小亮(HE Xiaoliang)2023-
Shuai Yu
In June 2022, he received the doctor's degree in computer science and technology from Fudan University. Since Dec. 2022, he has served as an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University. He has published more than 10 papers in top conferences and journals. Moreover, he serves as reviewers of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing、IEEE-ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing、Neurocomputing、ICASSP、ICME.
Main research area:
Cross-modal Information Processing and Retrieval
Natural Language Processing
Audio/Music Signal Processing
E-mail: shuai_yu@dhu.edu.cn
Address: 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China
Office: Room 103, Building 1